Congratulations to Team#23 (Anna Koevoet, Kieran Roberts, Jake Ruschkowski, Eddie Kuhnlein) for winning first place in Capstone Fair 2022 at the University of Calgary. Their project was focused on creating a device that can be used to capture knee angle by performance athletes, clinicians, and physiotherapists as an alternative to motion capture. It was a pleasure working with motivated and talented students. I am sure we will be hearing more great news from their achievements in the near future.
Reza Deabae, Atousa Parsaei, Hamid Heidary, Reza Ahmadi- Lab2Market Scholarship
Congratulations to Atousa Parsaei (MSc student, top left), Reza Ahmadi (PhD Student, top right), Hamid Heidary (PhD student, bottom left),